Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 34....

Wow... I can not believe we only have a little over a month until Greylin arrives. We are so excited to meet him and start our new family. Greylin is constantly moving and stretching these days. He is just like a man....when he gets hungry, he gets really active and grouchy....and when his tummy is full, he is happy and he sleeps!! :) I know what to do now to keep him happy when he gets here.... feed him....
Also, I am doing pretty well thus far. I have hip issues, but it has been better this week after some TLC and physical therapy. The diabetes is going well too. I am still on the special diabetic diet. Which fortunately, has been enough to keep my blood sugars normal without medication. We are doing weekly monitoring to make sure my diabetes is not negatively affecting Greylin and we have another ultrasound next week to assess his growth. One of the main complications with gestaional diabetes is a large baby, which can lead to birth injuries for me and/or for Greylin. However, for at least the past 6 weeks Greylin has been breech. He still has a few weeks to turn, but the bigger he gets the less likely he will change positions. If he does not turn I will have to have a cesarean section. We have tenatively planned the surgery for December 19th if he has not come (or turned) by then. The good news is that as soon as Greylin gets here my diabetes will be cured! The first thing I am going to do, is order Papa John's. :) I have CRAVED pizza the whole pregnancy and am not allowed to have it on my diabetic diet. So I am not only counting down the days for Greylin to get here, but also can not wait until I can have a whole thin crust pineapple pizza to myself!! :) mmmmm.....pizza........