Monday, April 27, 2009

Dad's First Blog!

Hmmm, So daddy started to read his first baby book tonight and in the first chapter it covers like...a million terms! As I continued to read, it gives you a lot of things to look forward to and I gotta say, I am super stoked! So, as my first post, I'll leave it with, I love my wife and our new baby!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Yay we are pregnant!!

Well....this is our first pregnancy. We are super excited/scared. But, I guess that's normal. I got off of my BC pills in the beginning of March, thinking it might take awhile for us to get pregnant because I have been on BC for 13 years. Well....SURPRISE....just ONE month later....we find out we are pregnant!! We are soooo excited and still in the "freak out/nervous" stage. We just found out last week, but we are trying not to tell EVERYONE because we know it is still so early (5 weeks). But, it is really hard not to blurt it out when I am with my friends in excitement. I am an L&D nurse and some people think that that should make this whole process easier, but it doesn't. I feel like I know TOO much about the risks and complications and it makes me more worried for what could happen. I am not afraid so much of the delivery, but more so of the next few weeks and the well being of this little tadpole growing inside of me. We have our first OB appt next week....I am so nervous that there will not be a heart beat. Pray for us! We will keep you posted!! :)